UVGI air disinfection system

Air disinfection with ultraviolet light.

With the increasing risks from organic and inorganic substances, eradicating contamination and micro-organisms with the use of short wave UV-C radiation to provide purification which is highly effective yet cost effective in the disinfection of air and surroundings has become a necessity.

UV–radiation is from the part of the spectrum of light of electromagnetic radiation. There are different wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation, the ranges for medical use are in three ranges: UV-A (315-400nm), UV-B (315-280 nm) and UV-C (100-280 nm), the photochemical effect on micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, moulds and yeasts from ultraviolet radiation has the effect of either destroying them or inactivating micro-organisms, through disrupting the nuclear mass of the cells and damaging them through this photolytic process to such an extent that cell division and thereby multiplication can no longer take place, the organisms are wither killed or rendered inert, studies have shown the effect of UV-C radiation on the behavior of micro-organisms have led to disinfection of air, fluids and solid surfaces.

Mercury discharge lamps which resemble the ordinary fluorescent lamps in appearance can generate UV-C radiation, the lamps in our fittings generate light at the spectral line at 254nm, which is close to the maximum range for germicidal effect, and the lamps used have special glass envelopes that filter out ozone-forming radiation.

UV light from the fitting is 99.99% effective in the reduction of airborne organisms and odours, and can easily destroy and thereby ensure the reduction in the spread of a multitude of airborne infections such
as Tuberculosis, giving protection to workers and the general

public against such contagious diseases, while sanitizing the atmosphere. The system is in accordance with the Medical Research Council (MRC), and the Council of Disease control (CDC) and NIOSH, and is completely safe

to people. The unit has been validated through testing by the University of Pretoria, where all our claims have been tested and validated.

Disinfection can be quickly achieved by fixing the fitting to
the ceiling. Where disinfection is required of surfaces or there
the interior is occupied and the occupants who can take protective measures against high intensity radiation full air irradiation can be quickly achieved.

Our full range of full-air irradiation fixtures can be used in applications such as laboratories, inside of ambulances, beverage and food preparation areas, (including the animal and poultry industries), pharmaceutical, hospitals, clinics and the cosmetic industries.


In rooms where the air has to be sterilized continuously, installing upper-air irradiation fixtures on the ceiling creates a continuous cycling zone of UV-C above the people bellow the fitting. Forced ventilation or even through normal convection, causes the micro-organisms to circulate through the room and through the UV-C zone where the exposure kills or neutralizes them. Upper-air irradiation is economical and a safe effective solution to neutralize as many harmful organisms and contaminants from people or products as possible, studies have shown this solution has the effect of reducing micro-organisms in the air equivalent to 20 AC/hour, depending on the type of micro organism.

The fixture is designed to irradiate the upper room air without any additional and expensive building of or HVAC modifications, this effect of the fixtures is achieved by the use of uniquely designed parabolic reflectors and non reflecting louvers so that the UV-C radiation is confined to a intense and highly effective zone which extends outward through the upper-air, with very low levels above or below the concentrated zone. This is so effective that a single fixture can provide coverage for rooms up to 30m2.

“This UVGI RS 2 device is locally conceived and manufactured and SABS certified. Very cost effective at R 7 500.00, compared to some very pricey UVC units being offered currently. I have had one in my surgery for some years.

It needs annual replacement of four Phillips 9W UV-C bulbs to maintain calibrated performance. This is done by a service technician who then measures the UV output and issues a compliance certificate valid for a year.

The service provided by DentalMed has been exceptional in my experience and I can highly recommend from this point of view. Just another layer of protection against the current pathogen.

Note that any device which outputs UV C will need annual lamp replacement – very important to remain effective. These lamps are mercury vapour based and deteriorate in service. They have to be disposed of correctly. They are not available as consumer items, so whichever UV-C device you buy, be sure you can rely on technical backup and calibration/ testing of output annually.”

Dr Andrew Ackermann

Dental Surgeon

UV-C, safety

UV-C Safety

We are exposed to the daily UV from natural sunlight, depending on the type of UV it can be harmful or harmless and even beneficial depending on the exposure amount and time and the individuals response to different types of UV. Unintentional overexpose to UV-C(short wave) radiation can cause temporary redness in the skin and eye irritation, but does not cause cataracts or skin cancer, this is due to the UV-C rays penetrating the body surfaces, UV-C has a extremely low penetrating factor and is nearly completely absorbed by the outer dead layer of skin known as the stratum corneum, where it can do little harm. It can not penetrate the lens of the eye but reach the superficial layer of the eye and can cause irritation if overexposed, the UV-C radiation can not cause cataracts as a result, normal clothing and eye glasses stops UV-C radiation completely. In situations where people are exposed to UV-C radiation for longer than eight hours they can check there exposure levels with a sensitive UV-C meter to assure safe and prolonged exposure in these applications.


UVGI, product specification

The replacement lamps manufactured are 9W UVC type equivalent to the lamps used in the scientific tests done by the University of Pretoria during validation of the system. The lamp manufacturers GMY guarantee of 8000 hours applies and is monitored by our CRM. The foregoing is accepted by the manufacturers’ representative as a reliable way of monitoring lamp life. Ultra Violet Irradiation tests are done with a calibrated UV meter by a qualified technician. Cleaning materials are of an approved non abrasive type suitable for electrical equipment. Maintenance technicians’ supply and install a laminated wall chart in strategic places around areas where fittings are installed and explain the contents to supervisors.

Customer Relations Management system is essential and the only solution is a structured approach whereby the responsibility is placed in the hands of the experts who can guarantee longevity and acceptable service delivery. Please be assured of our continued appreciation of your relentless effort to guarantee human security. We provide a complete package which includes: supply, installation and maintenance, the lamps used are TUV, EC, BS, ISO and S.A.B.S. approved. Maintenance contracts are available on request.

UVGI, service offered

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  • The inclusion of the client/clinic/hospital in our customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • The CRM system ensures timely warning of lamp expiry enabling us to coordinate lamp replacement and servicing.
  • The replacement of lamps prior to the final expiry of the lamps’ effective life at 8000 hours.
  • The cleaning of the fittings and scrutiny for electrical conformity to safe working.
  • Testing of the UV Irradiation to ensure efficacy in accordance with specifications.
  • Ensuring that the total installation is in working order by coordinating a final inspection with the unit manager/sister.
  • A quarterly visit to the site by a qualified technician to ensure that all is well.
  • A quarterly report on the status of the installation.
  • Disposal of the removed lamps in accordance with the health and safety regulations.